REVELATION: an overview
A revelation OF Jesus Christ; not a revelation BY Jesus Christ.
Revelations REVEALS Jesus Christ: who He is and what He has done and what He will do.
1) introduction (1:1–8)
2) things seen 1:9–20) 7 Lamp Stands; Son of Man; 7 stars
3) things present (2:1–3:22) 7 Churches
4) things to come (4:1–22:5) 4–11: general view; 12–21: details on the general view
5) conclusion (22:6–21)
could be: 12 tribes + 12 apostles;
could be: 24 that represent the company of believer; but is most likely: an exalted angelic order assigned to worship and serve God around the throne.
7 churches: the differences in the 7 churches are all negative. They are similar in that they are all golden (divine) lamp stands (holders or containers of the lamp which is Jesus, containing oil which is the Spirit); this is the positive aspect.
It is not a denomination that is a divine shining lamp stand to the world – it is the Church of Jesus Christ: the body of believers – the body of Christ
The Church is the expression of Christ, the witness of Christ, the testimony of Christ.
The Church is the reproduction of the testimony, the expression of God in Christ.
The lamp stand is gold – representing divinity.
A lamp must contain oil – which represents the Spirit
4 CREATURES = 4 ANGELS (look like: lion, ox, man, eagle)
6 wings: 7 eyes: see everything
LAMB: 7 horns; 7 eyes = 7 spirits
BOWLS OF INCENSE = the prayers of the saints
SEVEN SEALS: SEALS are secret – "something that is sealed"
1st SEAL WHITE HORSE: gospel or gospel preaching – "conqueror bent on conquering"
2nd SEAL RED HORSE: war or "remove peace" this began with the Roman Empire
and has continued to this day
3rd SEAL BLACK HORSE: "scales" or famine famine follows or is a result of war
4th SEAL PALE HORSE: death
death is a result of war and famine "killed 1/3 by sword, famine, plague, and beast"
The first 4 seals have been happening continuously since Christ's death on the cross.
5th SEAL MARTYRS CRY OUT – the beginning of the Great Tribulation occurs at the end of this age – cumulative martyrs from throughout time will finally rise up and ask for revenge
6th SEAL TRIBULATION – EARTH JUDGED – part of the Great Tribulation earthquake; sun blocked; moon red; stars fall; wind; mountains & rocks fall this is to show and prove who really is God
7th SEAL 7 ANGELS / 7 TRUMPETS are the content of the 7th Seal parts of the 7th SEAL will last for eternity
TRUMPETS are proclaimed for all to hear – public declarations
1st TRUMPET hail & fire mixed with blood – 1/3 of earth burned
2nd TRUMPET mountain thrown into the sea – 1/3 of sea dies
3rd TRUMPET star (wormwood) falls into the rivers – 1/3 of water turns bitter; people die
4th TRUMPET sun, moon & stars turn dark – 1/3 of day is dark
The earth will no longer be habitable as a result of the first 4 trumpets.
5th TRUMPET abyss is opened; locust (this is the FIRST WOE)
This is the beginning of the 7-yr tribulation.
6th TRUMPET 4 angels released to kill 1/3 of mankind (this is the SECOND WOE)
This is part of the 7-yr tribulation period.
7th TRUMPET 1st part (7 thunders) is sealed
2nd part, the THIRD WOE consists of: 7 bowls = the judgment of the dead; the reward of the saints; and the destruction of earth's destroyers: Satan, Antichrist, & the False Prophet
This is the Great Tribulation.
It is impossible to tell how long a scroll is… it will last for eternity
TWO OLIVE TREES: represents the king and the priest with a continuous supply of oil
DRAGON: represents political persecution
BEAST: represents religious persecution
WOMAN: represents God's people – Jews & Gentile believers (some say weaker believers)
MAN-CHILD: represents Jesus Christ (some say represents strong believers)
GREAT BABYLON: Apostate Christiandom
Gospel of JOHN – teachings on the imparting of life
Epistles of JOHN – fellowship for the growth of life (life grows by fellowship)
Revelations – reveals the reaping of life
GOSPELS – sowing the seed of LIFE
ACTS – reproduction of LIFE
EPISTLES – growth of LIFE
REVELATION – harvest of LIFE (Rev. 14:15)
1) A book of Christ – reveals Christ: the High Priest; the Judge; the Lion (deals with Satan); the Lamb (deals with sin); the Mighty Angel; a Warrior (with a sword in His mouth)
2) A book of the Church – the Church is called: a lamp stand (Ch 1); a multitude (Ch 7); a woman (Ch 12); the harvest (Ch 14); overcomers (Ch 15; the Bride (Ch 19); an army (Ch 19); and the New Jerusalem (21–22)
3) A book of God's Order
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